YOUR Rotary Foundation
 District 6970 is #1 in the WORLD for Polio Giving of DDF (District Designated Funds) On FEBRUARY 15, 2019 you had lunch with RI President Barry Rassin. Rotary International President Barry Rassin came to District 6970 in St. Augustine to celebrate your generosity.
Paul Harris Fellow Challenge - Day of 1,000 Paul Harris Fellows. To show our appreciation to President Barry and all the good that The Rotary Foundation does in the world, your District Foundation Team is challenging each of you to increase your Foundation giving so we can do even MORE GOOD IN THE WORLD!
If you are not already a Paul Harris Fellow, talk to your Club Foundation Chair, President or Assistant Governor about how to become one. If you are already a PHF, let's move up to that next level of giving, and/or become a member of the Bequest Society. Let's get creative and work together to make this happen!
How awesome would it be to recognize 1,000 Rotarians form around our great District during President Barry's visit in February? We CAN do it!